Tuesday 16 December 2014

Adorable Pups

Here are the babies at ten days old. They're getting their first coat of fur, and it's now possible to sex them. We have three girls and four boys!

It looks as though most, if not all, of the pups will have either white or light coloured front paws. I'm disappointed by this as I'd really like to deepen the colourpoint in the line, but as long as they're healthy and have an excellent temperament we'll be happy - even if they're not show quality.

Right now they're at that adorable stage where they crawl into your hand, all stumbly-wumbly, and then as soon as they realize it's warm, they roll onto their sides and fall asleep. It's hilarious to watch them sink into the bliss of a toasty warm palm!

My guess is we'll see them starting to explore the tank sometime this weekend...

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